
Over the Moon *
Contact: Anna Hankins and Shae Pesek
City: Coggon, IA, 52218
Email Address:
Phone: 774-345-0975
About Us
Over the Moon Farm & Flowers is a direct to consumer farm located in Delaware County, IA.
At Over the Moon, we raise farrow (birth) to finish purebred Berkshire pork. Our pigs are raised outside when seasonally appropriate and fed a non-GMO grain ration. Our sows live their best lives and are able to raise their babies. We believe happy pigs lead to the best quality pork. We raise our chickens, ducks, and turkeys on grass, rationally grazed on fresh pasture. Our birds are also fed a non-GMO grain ration provided by a local feed mill. All of our poultry is processed at a USDA inspected processor.